Tuesday, 26 April 2011

5 reasons...........


  1. OH, ouch!!!! So sorry. Hope he's feeling better quickly!

  2. Oh no! Poor thing. Must have hurt so much, hope the bruising goes down soon.

  3. seriously ouch! One of my daughters fell off a bike when she was five and face-planted on a driveway. She had one eye that was so black & blue it made your eyes water just to look at her and took months to heal. Luckily kids are resilient - hope he heals quickly!

  4. I swear blogger hates me. Created a long comment and then watched it vanish. Anyway, hope he's feeling better!

  5. Aw, that's no fun at all! Poor baby (but makes for a cute post)!

    Thanks for the nice comments you've left on my blog, Heather! I really appreciate it. xo

  6. Oh dear - hope he's all better after a week of TLC and steak (do people still put steak on black eyes?).

  7. That looks painful! Hope he is feeling much better now :)

  8. Oh no, my little one did something similar to that a couple of weeks ago too ... we have the dentist bill to prove it!


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