Monday, 18 April 2011

Followers & following :)

Well yesterdays Alphanumeric bloghop run by Mel was a fantastic success so big thanks to you Mel. It was great fun! I don't know the total number of blogs that were taking part but I do know that it was great to find some exciting new blogs to follow .......... & hopefully I will have found some more followers myself :D Which brings me to the reason why I am blogging this today. I would love to know how you found my blog! I know I have 17 people who have clicked the follow button & its lovely to see you all there but I also know that I have 169 subscribers who remain nameless & faceless! It would be fab if you could leave a comment below to say how you came to follow my blog. Even if you have never left a comment before please just quickly say " Hi!"..... I don't bite :) Just a quick note - blogger is refusing to paragraph again so if it all looks cramped its not me its Blogger!!!!!!!! TTFN x


  1. Thank YOU for taking part! :-)

    I think I must have found your blog via a Shimelle class, but I know I've been following for a while now (though somehow I didn't seem to appear on your Followers gadget, so I've added myself there too!) xx

  2. Hello Heather - I found your blog through BFS and am a subscriber! Through doing the course, I know subscribe to many blogs and try to comment when time allows.

  3. Blogging for Scrapbookers & BBFS! I just became a follower! : )

  4. I think I found you through BFS too. I hope you hear from some of your "unknown" subscribers - that's my hope too. I'm having a poll tomorrow. So fingers crossed

  5. BFS - with the amount of questions and polls around today there are a lot of us around :0)

  6. Another one here who found you through BFS - and am a follower. I also plan a poll tomorrow. Jen x

  7. Hi Heather, I found you through BFS.

  8. BFS & Mel's blog hop, so a pretty new reader here.

  9. BFS & BBFS & the AlphaNumeric Blog Hop.

  10. I visited you first during Mel's Blog hop:) My picture isn't among your followers, so I must have subscribed via the Google reader 'bundles' on BFS.


Hello! I love comments so fire away!!