Monday, 26 April 2010

Today I am......

outside my window - the garden is a mess while Neil tries to remodel it
I am thinking - he really doesn't know what he's doing
I am thankful - for a day off
I am wearing - navyblue tshirt, beige trousers & sandals
I am creating - a pile of 'chuck-outs' because the airing cupboard door wouldn't close as there are too many sheets etc
from the kitchen - the breakfast dishes need washing up!
I am going - to find some inspiration to start scrapbooking again
I am reading - 'The Memory Keepers Daughter'
I am hoping - my son has a good day at school as last week was a disaster because his 'helper' was off sick
I am hearing - the birds singing
around the house - its lovely and quiet
one of my favourite things - morning snuggles with my son

I hope you have a great day :)


  1. Reading your post has really cheered me up! Have a good day and thank you for the comment on my blog!

  2. What a lovely post! Some of the things are the same for me too! Have a good day and thanks for the comment on my blog!!

  3. That quote really speaks to me today - thank you for posting it. I think I really need to hear it :)

  4. Love that quotation :-) Really interesting to see your list! xx


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