Monday, 17 October 2011

Pretty Paper Party

WOW!! Thats a big photo isn't it?
But then she does love her cupcakes (and I have no idea how to alter the size of the image!) so its going to stay that way :)
Yes I have signed up for another class from the ever so clever Shimelle .... hopefully I will manage to stick with this one especially as we will be using lots of pretty paper that we all seem to have tucked away somewhere. 
Shimelle promises  "A four week celebration of pasting pretty paper to other pretty papers in an aesthetically pleasing manner." Which sounds just up my street ...... maybe my mojo is listening & will show up at some point! I think I belong to the Scrap Sorter kind of scrapper - I hate waste.
The Scrap Sorter:
An inevitable part of papercrafting is
the partial sheet. The off-cuts, the left-overs, the
scraps. Call them what you will, but it’s rare that there
are no extra pieces of paper on the desk once a project
is finished. Now what to do with all those small pieces?
Scrap Sorters are dedicated to keeping all these small
pieces in case they come in handy for another project.
The most advanced Scrap Sorters have intricate
systems of filing these off-cuts by colour, pattern, size
or manufacturer; other Scrap Sorters tend to place all
these papers in one place without worry of further
organisation. The merit of this philosophy is widely
acknowledged as a strong return on the paper
investment... but it can be overwhelming to find the
scrapheap never stops growing.

Now all I have to do is replace a couple of colour cartridges in my printer & get printing some photos to scrap ;-)


  1. I am the same as you, I can't throw anything aware, especially paper :)

  2. No, I never throw any of it away either! I haven't signed up for this one - too many other things going on. But I'll enjoy following alaong

  3. I keep my scraps too - but I think I also fit all the other categories!! Looking forward to seeing your layouts as we go through the class :)


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