Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Fellow Bloggers Unite!!

I have just been reading some of my favourite blogs & just had to share this from Pip at http://meetmeatmikes.blogspot.com/

Its a very thought provoking article raising a few questions (in the nicest way) as to how people are accepted immediately in 'blogland' by fellow bloggers who are otherwise complete strangers! Once we get over the fear of being rejected that is! And we all love other bloggers to make themselves known in turn.

I love Pips blog. Shes so cheerful & creative. She taught me how to crochet even though she is the other side of the world. Enough said.


  1. Excellent link Heather! Thank you. I think making connections with other bloggers is what makes blogging so great (and so addictive and so time consuming, if you let it..)

  2. I started my blog as a way to stay in touch with my family back in England - they don't comment EVER o my blog but they do always read it. However - now I love my blog because it's a record of our lives and I love looking back over the years and seeing how our home has changed and how the children have grown - for me its an easier - more instant form of scrapbooking (I have no patience lol).

    One of the bonuses of blogging has been that it has brought me in to contact with several people from across the globe who also blog - and who have now become online 'friends' - some I feel I have got to know really well and some I just feel I know a little but still consider 'blog friends' and I like to know how they are doing by reading their blogs regularly....

    It IS always nice to get comments and feel that people are interested in reading your blog or whatever BUT - I know that for me, the reason I write my blog is for ME and for my family and for a diary for us - so that we can look back and remember everything. Anything else is a bonus.

  3. That's so interesting, thanks for sharing the link x


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